India Full Gospel Church
Who we are
India Full Gospel Church is a Bible-believing, spirit-filled fellowship located in Hillsboro in the Portland metro area in Oregon.
Heaven will be filled with worshippers from various nations and languages (Revelation 7:9)!
Even though our services are entirely in English, we have a foretaste of what we expect our experience in heaven to be as we sing and worship in various Indian languages including Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, and Hindi.
The vision of the church is to be a prayer house for people from all nations in the Portland metro area. We desire to see every member functional in the body of Christ and equipped for every good work.
We believe that God has called us to both preach the gospel and to make disciples wherever we are. We also believe that we accomplish that through five priorities that we are committed to: 1) prayer, 2) sound teaching, 3) joyful worship, 4) spiritual fellowship, and 5) evangelism.
Our Sunday messages alternate between expository studies and topical devotions as we seek to understand the whole counsel of God.
We Welcome You to IFGC!
Whatever your ethnic, spiritual, or cultural background or where you are in your relationship with Jesus, we welcome you to join us at our worship service on Sundays at 10:30 am. We look forward to meeting you in person!
Our community was started in 1998 when a group of like-minded believers who had a common Indian heritage desired to find a unique spiritual and cultural connection in their walk with Christ.
What began as worship gatherings in homes moved to a barn in Hillsboro that we converted to become a church hall for our congregation in the year 2000. This served as our physical location for 24 years!
In Nov 2024, we moved to a different location in the Hillsboro area where we currently hold our Sunday and Saturday services. Today, our services are attended by people from different nationalities and from different states in India.
What We Believe
We believe in the inerrancy of scripture and our doctrinal beliefs arise from that fundamental belief. For our full statement of belief, follow this link.
India Full Gospel Church
Building #3
4174 SE Bentley St
(Arise Church Building, 1st Entrance)
Hillsboro, OR 97123
(503) 846-0774
Latest Sunday Messages
Our Pastor
Manoj M Kunju took over pastoral responsibilities at the India Full Gospel Church in November 2024.
Born into a Muslim family in Kerala, South India, Manoj was fortunate to hear about Christ in his late teens through the ministry of a youth ministry in Trivandrum called Highland Fellowship, which later became the Pilgrims Highland Church. The Lord touched him and he committed his life to Jesus Christ.
Sunday School 10am-10:30am
BIBLE STUDY 10am-10:30am
Worship Service 10:30am–12:00 Pm
Bible Study
The weekly Bible study happens every Sunday morning from 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM.
Intercessory Prayer
We pray for the healing of the sick and for deliverance during our weekly fasting prayers.
Saturday - 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Come expecting the Lord Jesus Christ to heal and deliver you!
Women’s Fellowship
2nd and 4th Tuesdays: 7:00pm
We meet on Zoom. We are going through the I AM statements of Christ from the gospel of John. For more details, please contact ifgcpdx@gmail.com
Cottage Meeting
1st and 3rd Tuesdays: 7:00 pm
We meet in-person, house to house. Current Bible study is on the book of Galatians.
“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart,nor grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” 2 Cor 9:7
Welcome to India Full Gospel Church’s giving page. We thank you for partnering in our ministry through your prayerful financial support. Your generous contributions will be used towards meeting our church’s operational needs and administrative costs and supporting various missions projects. You can designate your contributions towards the following funds:
General Tithe & Offerings Fund
Church Building Fund
Women’s Fund
Missions Fund (100% goes to the supported missionary or mission organization)
Currently, there are two ways to give: Zelle transfer or via cash/checks. Please see below for more details.
Cash & Checks
You can also give by cash or check during the offering service or handing it directly to the treasurer while you are attending church. Please make your check payable to IFGC.
You can also mail in a check to IFGC’s PO Box:
PO Box 7278
Aloha, OR 97007-7278
United States
You can send your donations directly to India Full Gospel Church using Zelle. Please check if your bank uses Zelle. If yes, you can send money using your bank’s app or online portal. Just send the money to ifgcpdx@gmail.com
Building #3
4174 SE Bentley St
(Arise Church Building, 1st Entrance)
Hillsboro, OR 97123
Mailing Address
India Full Gospel Church
PO Box 7278
Aloha, OR 97007-7278
United States
Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us by email, phone or by using the form.
Email: ifgcpdx@gmail.com
Phone: (503) 846-0774
Pastor Manoj M Kunju:
Click here for Bio
Cell: (541) 760-0477